01553 811357

Best Care – No More, No Less.

We are registered by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and accredited by the Norfolk County Council for the provision of Domiciliary Care Services. We are your local care agency; here to care for all your personal needs and ensure your ultimate satisfaction.

The good news is that Fortress Care is not too small that it cannot cope with demands and quality standard expectations. We have not become too big that your voice, views and concerns become unimportant or disregarded. Rather, we are just perfect size for you, as you can easily speak to any members of our staff from the least to the highest person including the Managing Director. Every Service user is seen as very important person

As a Domiciliary Care Agency, we provide high standard and uncompromised 24 hours a day live-in care services either for a short term or on a long term basis. We attend to your calls even for as little as 15 minutes.

We will ensure you are made comfortable in your own home, promote your independence and respect your privacy and space. It is our policy to ensure that you are fully involved in any decision or planning relating to your care.

We always recognise and respect the diversity, values and human rights of all the people that use our services.

We will respect and accommodate your views and informed choices.

Our Procedures

With your enquiry and interest in our services:

We shall arrange to visit you in your home to make full assessment of your care requirements and then produce a comprehensive and personalised care plan that is absolutely specific to your care needs.

We are very approachable, understanding, considerate and helpful people.

We shall attend to you with courtesy and politeness.

We listen carefully and patiently to your needs. We treat everyone equally and with respect.

Care Staff

All our Care Support Workers are very competent, well experienced and fully vetted with at least two professional references and Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosures which include the POVA (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) checks.

Our staff are provided with intensive induction training that conform to the Common Induction Standard and also undergo the mandatory training which covers Moving and Handling, Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Infection Control, Food and Hygiene, First Aid, Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults, Risk Assessment and Reporting and Lone worker.