Home Care Services
Care at Home Specialist Care Companionship Live-in Care
We are registered by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and accredited by the Norfolk County Council for the provision of Domiciliary Care Services.
We support adults with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, physical or learning disabilities, old age and other types of infirmities. We provide high standard respite and palliative care.
The high quality care services we can provide for you include, but not limited, to the following:
Personal Care – Getting in and out of bed, showering, bathing and washing, dressing, toileting
Moving and Handling services for service users with limited or no mobility
Assistance with medication
Preparation of good nutritious food
Domestic Chore – laundry, ironing, house cleaning
Shopping, bill payment
Category of Service Users
We support adults with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, physical or learning disabilities, old age and other types of infirmities. We provide high standard respite and palliative care.
Social Activities
our support workers also offer good companionship and support your social activities such as attending your religious activities, visiting friends and relatives, eating out and so on.
Care Staff
All our Care Support Workers are very competent, well experienced and fully vetted with at least two professional references and Enhanced Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Disclosures which include the POVA (Protection of Vulnerable Adults) checks.
Our staff are provided with intensive induction training that conform to the Common Induction Standard and also undergo the mandatory training which covers Moving and Handling, Health and Safety, Fire Safety, Infection Control, Food and Hygiene, First Aid, Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults, Risk Assessment and Reporting and Lone worker.